It's regarding a lot of topics but one of it became about the decency of the human being.
Rob Henderson wanted things to go back to how they were before "9/11." I'm assuming how America was like before 9/11 because the world I knew before 9/11 was still a piece of shit.
Posted by Me
The kinder gentler "world" before 9/11 never existed. It was simply an illusion.
The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well as Canada usually shield America from the realities of the real world. But on 9/11 it kind of hit home and many couldn't deal with it.
Deal with it. This is life, this is the world.
The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well as Canada usually shield America from the realities of the real world. But on 9/11 it kind of hit home and many couldn't deal with it.
Deal with it. This is life, this is the world.
Posted by Rob Henderson
I'm not going to be a pessimist just because some nut jobs decided to attack America because they're jealous of us... Is it somehow wrong to want a more peaceful world?
Posted by Me
It's like wishing that all the hot women in the world would take turns getting into bed with you.
It's not going to happen and quite frankly even thinking about it is a total waste of time.
It's not going to happen and quite frankly even thinking about it is a total waste of time.
Posted by Rob Henderson
Hardly... Men CAN make this place better for everyone. Just because you don't think it will, doesn't mean it won't.
This is my response:
Wake up seriously.
You have Gurkhas who served so well for the British for hundreds of years... if you count the British East India Company, since 1817. Yet they're not given the rights to enter and stay in the UK compared with some guy from Pakistan who clearly hates the UK and is under suspicion that he may have fought against British troops in Afghanistan.
All these financial institutions... all that greed. The government finally gives them money to un-f*ck the mess they created and they're using GOVERNMENT money (tax payer money) to pay off their layoffs and even finance their own vacations.
You have legal immigration restricted because illegal immigration is a problem and not enough is being done to restrict illegal immigration. Just happens to be that targeting people who might actually be of benefit to America is a lot easier.
An actress in South Korea committed suicide [Insert: Jang Ja-yun, for those who want to read up on the case] because she was used as a prostitute by her manager (and of course the chain of responsibility goes higher but largely it's been well covered up). The police are then sent on a raid against prostitution. Yes, the entertainment industry can force the police to pretend to take action without actually taking action against those really responsible. It's not the first case that something like this happened. It's happened MANY times now.
People smuggle drugs across borders by stuffing drugs into freshly dead babies.
the list is endless.
People don't change. At least, not very much. We always try to kid ourselves into thinking that we're different from our ancestors. We are in a way, but if you look at it overall, we're very much the same.
Ask a guy who's got his limbs blown off in a war and got abandoned by the military, the government and his own family if he believes in the decency of mankind.
Or the girl who got tricked into going into a prostitution ring by a woman at her church who told her that she was going to help her find work overseas.
Or the guy or woman with a family to feed who's been waiting in line for days at an aid distribution center who can't get aid because gangs/militia are hogging the front of the line and taking everything.
Wake the f*ck up Henderson.
People can't make the world a better place.
Not even Jesus managed to do that.
It's not because we're stupid. It's because we're greedy, selfish, jealous, prideful... it's because we are evil, because we are weak.
So wake the f*ck up Henderson and people who think we can make the world a better place.

Possibly the kindest person to walk the earth in recent times. Feel good factor whenever her name is mentioned: 10/10. Her actual effect on making the world a better place: close to 0.

Jesus Christ who died for our sins still couldn't make people good. Or make the world a good place for that matter. (On that note, do you know how HARD it is to find a picture of Jesus that doesn't look like Jesus of Narvik, Norway?)
People can make the world a better place = BULLSHIT of the highest caliber.
It's not that people CAN change the world - it's that we try to. We make small changes, yes, but the bigger thing is our edification for wanting and trying. In that regard, we DO change the world, beginning within ourselves.
ReplyDeleteFor every 1 person who tries to do something good, there are 10 who succeed in doing something bad.
ReplyDeleteEven in the work place, good people are usually pushed out by their peers.
Good kids are bullied to no end in school.
Good leaders are often assasinated.